Posting Franked Mail (2025)

Your mail will get to its destination quicker and with less handling if it's prepared correctly. Common things to avoid are large letters being franked as letters or mail going to international destinations franked as if they were being sent within the UK.

Here are some of our top tips to help you correctly frank, first time, every time.

  • Franking top tips poster
  • Remember to check the size of your mail before you frank and train new staff and temporary leave cover on the different mail sizes.
    Why not print out the mail sizes and put them by your franking machine?
    Learn about the different mail sizes and weights for bothUKandInternational items.
  • Have separate trays for UK and international mail
    This will not only save you and your staff time, but will also help stop international mail lower down the pile being accidentally franked as UK mail too.
  • Sending International Standard franked mail
    • Select the service using your franking machine and frank your mail in the usual way
    • Make sure you write 'AIR MAIL/ Par Avion' or put a blue 'AIR MAIL' sticker on the top left corner of your item
    • Electronic customs data is now mandatory when you send items/goods abroad (excluding personal correspondence). You are required to provide customs data to us electronically, via the API, in addition to fully completing the physical customs declaration (CN22 or CN23) and attaching this to the parcel. Failure to do so may result in significant delays at the point of import into the destination country and/or your items being returned.
    • If your item contains goods, make sure you add an S10 barcode label and the relevant customs declaration form (CN22 or CN23).
    • Your International Standard items are now ready for collection or dropping off at your local Post Office® branch.
    • Remember you should use a white international pouch when handing over your International Standard mail for collection or to your local Post Office® branch.
  • Sending International tracking & signature services
    • Use the International Services guide to check which services are available by country before franking
    • Select the appropriate International tracking & signature service you require using your franking machine and frank your mail in the usual way
    • Electronic customs data is now mandatory when you send items/goods abroad (excluding personal correspondence). You are required to provide customs data to us electronically in addition to the physical customs declaration (CN22 or CN23).
    • Electronic customs data is now mandatory when you send items/goods abroad (excluding personal correspondence). You are required to provide customs data to us electronically, via the API, in addition to fully completing the physical customs declaration (CN22 or CN23) and attaching this to the parcel. Failure to do so may result in significant delays at the point of import into the destination country and/or your items being returned.
    • If your item contains goods, make sure you add an S10 barcode label and the relevant customs declaration form (CN22 or CN23).
    • Remember to pass these items separately when handing your mail for collection or to your local Post Office® branch

Is your international mail labelled correctly?

S10 Labels

The Universal Postal Union (UPU) has mandated that any international items containing goods must have an item unique identifier (known as a S10 barcode) attached. Find out more.

There are new requirements for sending mail internationally through a franking machine. The Universal Postal Union (UPU) has mandated that any international items containing goods must have an item unique identifier (known as a S10 barcode) attached.

Items that do not have an S10 barcode attached may be delayed or even returned to the sender. We want to make sure this doesn't happen to your franked items and that they meet international mail standards, so you can order S10 barcode labels free of charge at

Simply stick one onto each item you are sending abroad containing goods, in addition to the customs declaration form (CN22 or CN23).

In the future the barcodes will need to contain electronic customs data and we will be in touch when a process has been finalised. More information can be found at

Customs Declaration Labels

If you’re sending goods (including gifts) to a country outside the EU you will need to fill out and attach a customs declaration form (either a CN22 or CN23). Find out about planned changes to the CN22.

Changes to the Customs Declaration CN22
The Universal Postal Union (UPU) sets out standards for postal operators worldwide, including Royal Mail in the UK. They require a Customs Declaration to be applied to every item destined for outside of the European Union.

From 23 March the CN22 (for items with a value up to £270) is being modernised. The newly extended form will meet UPU requirements by putting all mandatory information in one place. It will no longer be part-translated into French, making it clearer and easier to complete.

To minimise adverse environmental impact, please continue to use any labels you already have. When you order the CN22 labels in future you’ll see the following changes:

New style CN22Old style CN22
Posting Franked Mail (1)Posting Franked Mail (2)

No changes are being made to the CN23 template.

You can order air mail stickers, S10 barcode labels, CN22/23 customs forms and white international pouches from us, see Consumables.

Visit for more help with customs and sending goods abroad.

Posting your franked mail

You can post franked mail in the following places >>

  • Post Office®
  • Public post box - in a franking outer envelope (supplied by your machine provider)
  • Business mail post box
  • Mail centre
  • Your localEnquiry Office or Customer Service Point

Alternatively we can come and collect your outgoing mail from your premises each day. We offer regular or one-off collections.

More help

Our quick guides and 'how to' videos below are designed to help you prepare your franked mail for posting.

Quick guides

How to prepare your franked mail
How to prepare franked mail for posting or dropping off

How to prepare your franked mail for collection

Return address requirements

How to Youtube videos

How to tell the difference between a Letter and a Large Letter
How to present your franked Signed For items
How to present your franked Special Delivery items
How to present franked mail in pouches
How to present your franked parcels in bags

Posting Franked Mail (2025)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.